Basic Info

Birthday: July 1, 2024 (estimated)

Gender: Female

Breed (Best Guess): Hound, Shepherd Mix

Weight: 10 lbs.

My Favorite things

Playing with my siblings in the yard!


I’m a smart, trainable girl! I’m already well on my way to mastering potty training!

Cat, Dog Kid Friendly?

I love everyone (dogs, cats, and all kids)!

All About Kahlua

Kahlua came to the rescue with her mom, Gin, and siblings as a tiny puppy and now she is old enough to find her forever family. She is a brave girl and always ready to check out new things first for her siblings. She plays well with everyone, and boy does she love to play! Kahlua is a cheerful pup and has no problem making new friends. She loves being around the kids in her foster family and giving them lots of kisses (just so they know she loves them). She is highly trainable and very smart. She loves other dogs and will listen to older dogs but sometimes her will to play overrides listening to them. Kahlua is such a charming girl and really hopes someone applies to adopt her soon!